Pill Boxes and Medication Reminders
Pill boxes go way back - hundreds of years. The first recorded use of the word, "pill-box," was in 1730. Like the modern pencil, it continues to be functional, and so it endures. But, like the pencil, sometimes new technologies emerge - such as ballpoint pens and markers - that add that little bit of extra functionality to change your daily life.
So what's new with pillboxes?
Well, as the science of medicine and vitamin supplementation has advanced, so has the original, humble, single-compartment, pill container. To keep up with the dizzying number of medications prescribed, especially to the elderly, pillboxes have evolved into that essential, must-have accessory, pill organizers and medication dispensers. There are many affordable, high-tech solutions now available to deal with the challenge of complicated, and sometimes confusing, medication dosing schedules.
As we age, taking care of ourselves becomes more and more challenging - especially for those who live alone. Luckily, today's senior citizens have lived long enough for technology to sufficiently advance to meet many of their health needs. For many people, assistive devices are the answer to help them live a healthy and independent life. Because of this wide-spread need, MaxiAids specializes in an amazing variety of pill organizers and medication reminders ranging from daily pill boxes to a selection of pill boxes with alarm reminder.
Pill Boxes with Alarm Reminder
The solution for many people is the latest generation of pill boxes with alarm reminder. A pill reminder alarm can be a godsend to those whose health depends on taking their prescription medications every day at the same time. Nowadays, there are even watches and clocks available with a pill alarm to alert you when it's time to take your medicine. And there are a variety of pillboxes with multiple daily alarms to meet your own individual dosing needs and help you keep up with your prescription schedule.
Like they say, timing is everything...
As we get older, most people notice the aging of their digestive system first. At some point, we all have to accept that there will be no more midnight snacks with sriracha sauce - unless you wish to pay the price for that. However, the price for an ill-timed spicy meal is nothing compared to the price for incorrect medication dosing. The human body is remarkably resilient when young. A relatively young adult in good health might accidentally miss a dose of their high blood pressure medication and get away without any dire consequences. Unfortunately, as we get older, our bodies become far more sensitive to the under-dosing or overdosing of medication. Either under-medicating or over-medicating can have dire health consequences for the elderly.
As our life span increases, our memory tends to decrease. It's so easy to lose track of things. Any interruption - a ringing phone or the chime of the doorbell - can knock your memory off kilter. When it comes to medicine, a lapse in memory can result in a deadly mistake. Taking medication straight from the prescription bottle, when you can't quite remember if you took any one particular pill of the half-dozen or dozen you need to take a day, can be downright dangerous. That's why a medication pill box with an alarm is the way to go.
The answer to living with an unreliable memory is simple - depend on an external memory system, such as a pill reminder alarm or pill boxes with alarm reminder.
Maintaining a positive and hopeful attitude is vital to a long, healthy life. It's important to keep in mind that while your day-to-day needs may seem stressful and overwhelming at times, with the right assistive tools and aids to help you, daily life can truly become manageable.
The very first step you need to take is to gather your prescriptions together and sit down to think about what you need.
4 Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing a Pill Organizer
1) How many times a day do I need to take a dose of medicine?
- 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x a day, or more?
Note: There are 7-day weekly, 14-day, and 31-day monthly pill organizers able to accommodate multiple doses a day.
2) How often do I want to be bothered refilling the pill organizer?
- Every 7 days, every 14 days, or every 31 days?
Note: The capacity of some pill dispensers will vary depending on how many doses you take a day. For example, an automatic, motorized-dial, timed, pill reminder alarm dispenser that holds a twice-a-day 14-day supply will only hold half that - a 7-day supply - when the dosing is four times a day.
3) Which specific pill alarm features do I need?
- Audible alarm? (Especially useful for the blind.)
- Talking pill alarm? (Hear a voice reminder when it's time for your dose.)
- Flashing visual pill alarm? (Especially useful for the deaf and hard of hearing.)
- Both an audible alarm plus a flashing visual alarm?
- Automatic, motorized-dial, timed, dispenser with pill alarm - or a manual flip-top, self-administered dosing design?
4) How elaborate a pill organizer do I need?
If you have simple needs, there are simple solutions. For example, if you don't need a pill alarm or an arthritis-friendly pill dispenser or any specialized feature, and only take prescription medication in the morning and at night, then a basic, AM-PM weekly pill organizer might be all you need.
For someone with limited dexterity or arthritis, a hard-to-open daily pill box can be as frustrating as those child safety caps that have better security than Fort Knox. Choosing an easy-open pill container or one of the automatic dispensing pill boxes with alarms will eliminate that aggravation at pill time.
However, if you require a more elaborate solution because of your mental or physical condition and complex dosing schedule, one of the locking, auto-dispensing pill boxes with alarms that monitor medication noncompliance via a cellular network or Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) monitoring service subscription might be the answer.
As you see, today there is an amazing selection of pill dosing solutions available for virtually any need including daily pill boxes, 30-day pill boxes, and more. Take advantage of the technology available to give you a better day-to-day life. And be grateful that today's pillboxes have kept up with life-prolonging, medication advances and are not your great-grandfather's single-compartment pillbox.
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